Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Tourists find stray Cuban puppy in a trash bucket


Tourists in Cuba took a walk one morning to get some bread from the local baker. They were visiting the small, quiet town of Playa Larga. Life here is very traditional and their town functions as it did many years ago. Residents still put their garbage out by the roadside in plastic buckets or tubs and one dedicated man and his horse make the rounds and clean up the entire town.<br><br>On the way back from the baker, the tourists saw something that stopped them cold. A small, stray puppy has been following the trash collector, looking for any opportunity for a meal. When a plastic tub was emptied into the cart and put back at the curb, the adorable little pup hopped inside to see what lay at the bottom.<br><br>Our tourists came upon the puppy licking hungrily at something stuck on the inside of the tub. They can’t resist stopping to visit the puppy and what happens melts them completely. The puppy jumps out of the tub and wags his tail as he approaches each one for a little affection. He then decides that it’s play time and he engages in a game of chasing Serena’s feet. She’s delighted and you can hear her reaction as this little fellow turns on his charm. He bounces and paws at her feet, making her giggle with delight.<br><br>The puppy runs around, grabs a stick and then guards it with an expression that seems to dare the family to try to get it. He barks "ferociously", warning them that he is all business. The whole time, that adorable wagging tail tells the real story. This puppy is eager to play and he doesn’t want them to leave.<br><br>What you don’t see in this video is that he followed them down the street to their bed and breakfast and waited expectantly. Taking the hint, they served him up some of the leftovers from their fish feast the night before. He was so impressed with their food that he visited each morning for his breakfast until they left.<br><br>If only they could have smuggled him into their luggage! This pup completely won their hearts.

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